SPEdit: A curation environment for the SwissProt database
SPEdit is a new curation environment for the SwissProt database entries. This environment is based upon the XML technology, and especially the new SwissProt XML Schema.
The development process follows the Rational Unified Process and some principles given by Extreme Programming.
The project runs on java 1.2 and more. It has the following software requirements:
JDOM libraries:
You can download the files here.
This phase focuses on understanding the scope and boundaries of the system, establish the primary scenarios, prepare a candidate architecure, list the risks and prepare the development environment.
The development environment uses Ant as a build tool.
The purpose of this phase is to come up with a candidate architecutre illustrated by a working prototype.
Here are listed documents that were produces during the development, that constitute a knowledge base that allows to have a better understanding of the issues that went on during SPEdit development.